Archive for 'Featured Interview'
Paul Leslie: Using Personal Brand For Competitive Advantage
Posted on April 20, 2011, by JD Kathuria, under Featured Interview.
Paul Leslie, a seasoned professional in building companies to market value and founder of Sydalco Consulting, talks about why giving back to your community is important in building a personal brand. Leslie also explains how maintaining relationships is critical in achieving a competitive advantage and up-to-date information in your industry.
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Technologist Bob Gourley: Blogs, LinkedIn, Twitter
Posted on April 17, 2011, by JD Kathuria, under Featured Interview.
Bob Gourley, founder of Crucial Point, LLC and named one of the “Top 25 Most Fascinating Communicators in Government IT” by the Gov2.0 community GovFresh in 2010, explains the most efficient ways to use Twitter and LinkedIn. Bob is all over the net these days, and in doing so is building a brand, visit his website here
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Charles Church of Sevatec: Personal Brand, LinkedIn
Posted on April 13, 2011, by JD Kathuria, under Featured Interview.
Charles Church, cybersecurity expert and vice president at Sevatec, Inc. explains how to balance transparency and privacy in social networking as well as why he uses LinkedIn.
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Sid Fuchs of INDUS: Valuable Networking/Personal Brand
Posted on April 8, 2011, by JD Kathuria, under Featured Interview.
Sid Fuchs, senior adviser at INDUS, Corp, elaborates on his diverse background in intelligence, national security and defense. Fuchs believes that in order to be successful your personal and professional brand must be the same and that social media is becoming increasingly relevant, but will never replace old-fashion networking.
Look for Fuchs’ book about how to effectively network in the coming months.
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HealthCare IT’s Harry Greenspun: How To Effectively Use Social Media and Networking
Posted on April 4, 2011, by JD Kathuria, under Featured Interview.
Harry Greenspun, healthcare IT professional and Chief Medical Officer at Dell, talks about why your personal and professional brand should be the same and how to build a meaningful and engaging online presence. Greenspun also believes that working in a variety of settings has allowed him to make meaningful connections.
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The DoD’s Jack Holt: Social Media In Government
Posted on April 1, 2011, by JD Kathuria, under Featured Interview.
Jack Holt of Defense Media Activity gives to-the-point answers regarding what social media is to him and how it is viewed by the U.S. Department of Defense. Holt also expresses caution with the future of social media in our government.
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Tien Wong of Opus8 On Personal Brand, Food and Twitter News
Posted on March 30, 2011, by JD Kathuria, under Featured Interview.
Tien Wong, CEO of the Silver Spring-based private investment firm Opus8 and Lore Systems, explains why you need an online presence, and how social media has helped him promote his business. Wong also describes his most recent venture, a news website focused on technologgical innovation that is connected to Twitter.
check out The Tien Wong Times here!
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Becca Willcox of Capital Grille: Establishing Relationships And Personal Brand
Posted on March 22, 2011, by JD Kathuria, under Featured Interview.

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Mark Drapeau Interview: Director of Innovative Social Engagement at Microsoft
Posted on March 17, 2011, by JD Kathuria, under Featured Interview.
Renaissance man Mark Drapeau explains how he balances his personal and professional brands and the best stratgies for using social media. This former scientist turned innovative technology expert brings to-the-point insight regarding meaningful networking.
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Interview With Pamela of Pamela’s Punch: How To Make Your Personal Brand A Full-Time Career
Posted on March 10, 2011, by JD Kathuria, under Featured Interview.
Pamela Lynne Sorensen, founder of the popular Washington, D.C. news and entertainment blog site Pamela’s Punch, explains how and why she founded the popular philanthropy website, her plans for the brand’s Los Angeles expansion and how to properly engage with social media. If you are even slightly interested in starting your personal online brand, this is a definite read.